
The Payment Process   

Step 1. Decide how many plush calves you'd like to purchase.

Step 2. Make a payment online. (Online Banking or PayPal)

Step 3. Email us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the payment receipt and purchase details (the number of mascots you are purchasing).

Step 4. Wait for your reply (It should take less than 24 hours).

Step 5. Start checking your letterbox.

Payment Details

The financial side of the purchase is very simple. You can use online banking or Paypal.

Payment Option A) Online Banking: Our preferred option. An online banking payment means no Paypal fees and more money goes to the farm animal shelters and sanctuaries.

Account name: Calf Adoption Account. BSB: 944-600 Account: 007811578

Payment Option B) Paypal: If you want to use Paypal simply make the payment to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Paypal will notify us immediately of your payment.


Mascot Costs

One mascot $50 - one White with Black or White with Dun Points (postage within Australia included)

Two mascots $90 - choose the colours (postage within Australia)

(If you want to adopt a calf and receive a mascot it is $399 with postage within Australia)

Please add $20.00 to cover the extra postage for all overseas orders, (and $5.00 for each additional mascot.)

Email Us

Send an email with your purchase/adoption instructions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please include these details in your email:

1.  Your full name, email address and postal address for mascot delivery.

2. The number of mascots you have purchased (and cows and or calves you wish to adopt).

3. The full name of the person you wish to appear on any adoption certificate/s if the purchase includes an adoption.

4. The email address you would like any adoption papers sent. (If it is different to your email address).

5. Anything else you would like us to know - if the mascot is a gift for a birthday or Christmas or Valentine's Day.

for example. Also include whether the person receiving the adoption is your friend, sister, brother, husband, wife etc