When you adopt one of our cows or calves you can check in here to see all the new photos, videos and updates on your calf.
In 2024 adoptions will include an introductory letter where you will be given the log in details necessary to access this information. Adoption is sponsoring not purchasing. To find out more about our Adoption/Sponsor/Visit program click here.
Wouldn't you just love to know what this little one was up to today!?
This is Lucy. She was one of the last two heifer calves born in 2023. She is so adorable she will melt the coldest of hearts.
This is Roxy. She is Lucy's big sister. Roxy was born in 2022. Her cheeky adventures have kept us all entertained for a year or more now.
This is Bessie. She was a quiet, independent heifer calf. Bessie was often seen wandering around on her own. She is growing into a stunningly beautiful female.
Three of the 2022 females. They spent a lot of time play fighting and getting into wombat holes.