Gold Creek 5This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yes, they can be registered as miniatures. Yes, they are absolutely beautiful. Yes, they are occasionally for sale. Our small, traditional White Galloway cattle are born and bred for hobby farmers. Equally suitable for first-time cattle owners and show ring competitors, they are a joy to own.

These are not your ordinary cattle. We are not your ordinary cattle breeders. Our GOLD CREEK White Galloway cattle are bred specifically to be small, quiet and super friendly. They are so quiet, we have been training our cattle to be Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) co workers since 2008.  You can support the work of training our AAT cattle by adopting/sponsoring one of our cows or calves or purchasing a mascot. Adopters are invited to visit our farm for some cow cuddling. Adoption is $350, a one off payment. The profits from the adoption fees go to farm animal sanctuaries.

Just three minutes from the heritage town of Braidwood, southern NSW, Australia, we breed these beautiful Galloway cattle for the sheer pleasure of it. And it is a pleasure.

We have come a long way. In 2005, we started out as first-time cattle owners. Today we breed registered full blood and purebred traditional White Galloway cattle that would make any stud owner proud. Through our cattle training consultancy we now enjoy teaching others our effective, low-stress approach to raising extremely docile, people-friendly cattle.

Galloway cattle are a heritage livestock breed. An ancient Scottish breed, they are the oldest of all British breeds. Unlike most commercial beef breeds, Galloways have not been bred bigger and bigger over many generations. Galloways are mid-sized cattle that can be registered as miniatures. These cattle are extremely docile, very attractive, and incredibly hardy.

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The integrity of our GOLD CREEK herd is of paramount importance to us. Therefore, we only use registered or listed, DNA tested bulls. We welcome the DNA testing of any herd member sold by us. Check us out on:youtube 64

Just imagine yourself enjoying:

gold tick 3Non-selective grazers that like to be handled.  

gold tick 3Cows calving well past their teenage years. 

gold tick 3 Unassisted Calving.

gold tick 3Very fertile bulls. 

gold tick 3A low maintenance herd. 

gold tick 3Highly sought after cattle.

Calf Adoption Program

For well over ten years, our calf adoption program has supported our specialist cows through their AAT training and enabled us to send the profits to farm animal sanctuaries in Australia. We still send a percentage of the profits to these sanctuaries today. Adoptions include a special invitation to visit your adopted cow or calf and their whole herd in our paddocks for some cow cuddling!

Adoptions are a $350 one-off payment ($395, including a custom plush mascot-postage included). Adopting is sponsoring; it is not purchasing. A friend or family member is welcome to join you in our paddocks when you visit your calf.

Our herd is handled almost every day. Many individuals every day from the minute they are born. We rarely separate our cows and calves from one another, which means they are happy, and it allows us to enjoy the wonder of the "whole herd" experience. We breed quiet cattle. Our little bulls are extremely quiet. 

Hush Eleanor resize

Our visitors soon learn that the cows enjoy the love as much as the calves - Hush.

 GOLD CREEK Galloway Stud three minutes from historic Braidwood, NSW, Australia.

~: Stud Owners: Suzanne Baker & Pamela Robinson © 2005 - 2024 :~

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